The staff of 107.1 KSLT comes together to share moments of reflection, faith, and inspiration during our devotional meetings every week. These gatherings are a cherished part of our Christian radio community, providing us with the opportunity to connect with God and one another.
We are excited to extend this experience to our online family through our Devotional Corner. Here, you’ll find our staff devotionals filled with thoughtful reflections and Scripture readings. Our devotionals are here to inspire and uplift you anytime, anywhere.
We hope these devotionals will bring peace, encouragement, and spiritual growth to your life. Explore, reflect, and share the love and wisdom found within.
Blessings from 107.1 KSLT
“Christmas Lights. ” Shared Dec 22nd by Tanya
I was sitting by my Christmas tree the other night, enjoying the peace and glow of the lights. As I sat there, the lights started to mean something more to me. Each one seemed to represent different parts of my life. Some lights reminded me of all the blessings I’ve received—those moments of pure joy and gratitude. Others made me think of the tough times, the trials and challenges I’ve faced and somehow managed to get through.
Then there were the lights that brought to mind the hurts and losses, the disappointments that left me questioning so many things. And of course, there were failures, fears, and moments of doubt, when my faith was weak.
But as I looked at the tree, the most powerful thought came to me: Jesus is the Light of the World. Through all those times, He has been there with me, carrying me and guiding me through. He is my strength and foundation, my hope, and ever-present help. John 8:12 says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” What an amazing gift!
This Christmas, I hope you can see the lights on your tree in a new way too. Let them remind you of all the ways Jesus has been there for you, through every high and low. He was born in a manger, lived among us, and died on the cross to be our Savior. He brings hope and light into our lives, no matter how dark things might seem.
I am praying for you, friend, that God’s peace, love, and joy will fill your heart and home this season and every day after. Merry Christmas and God’s blessings to you!
“…a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord… Glory to God in the highest heaven.” -Luke 2:11,14
Tanya Eiklor, Station Manager, 107.1 KSLT
“Christmas Cookies. ” Shared Dec 15th by Alan
Every year, my family would set aside one weekend in December to bake and decorate Christmas cookies from scratch. We went all out, making over 8 dozen cookies to give to friends, family, neighbors—whoever!
But did you know that baking Christmas cookies teaches us an important lesson? Each ingredient has a purpose, even if it’s not satisfying on its own. Sure, sugar is sweet, but salt, baking soda, cinnamon, and flour? Who would eat those by themselves? Not a very pleasant experience. Yet, together, they transform into something delicious—something you’re proud of and want to display!
We look at life’s moments like ingredients. Some are sweet, while others are bitter or unpleasant. Alone, they might not seem great, but when you put them all together, you can see how God had a plan for the most difficult and unpleasant moments. He wastes nothing. He works all things together for good and gives you a life you can be proud of.
A devotion from Afternoons with Alan.
“God cares about the little details in your life. ” Shared Dec 11th by Toast
I got a glimpse of God huddled in my car on a chilly morning, heat on full blast…it was a morning where the windshield was frosted over with little ice crystals…and I couldn’t see through my windshield… so, I was forced to wait for the defrost to take effect….
As I sat and waited, shivering now and then, I looked closer at those little ice crystals and the immense detail they contained…every one different…but every one, a reminder that God pays attention to small details…and if he puts that much detail in something you melt away every morning, how much more does he care about every little aspect of your life…
the worries that no one knows about…the small victories…the simplest prayer….all details in your life, that God sees…and cares for…
Merry Christmas, Toast
“A New Perspective on Hope.” Shared Dec 10th by Anne
Sometimes, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the state of the world. We see headlines, social media feeds, and even challenges in our own lives that make us wonder if there’s any hope left. Recently, I found myself in that place of discouragement—wondering if people, especially young people, are truly seeking God anymore.
Then, I read something that changed my perspective. My 15-year-old daughter was assigned to write about what being a Christian means to her for a school project. Her words brought me to a moment of clarity and renewed hope, and I’d like to share some of them with you:
*”For me, being a follower of Christ is so much more than just a word. It’s a choice about how you want to live your life. Do you want to be for the world in its ways, or do you want to live your life for the glory of God?
People may tell you that you’re not good enough and that you’ll never measure up. But that’s not how God sees you. I personally don’t want to get caught up in what the world has to offer. You can scroll through social media and wonder when it all went so wrong. As a nation, we fell apart without God being at the center of it all.
As a Christian, I want to shine God’s light and love upon others so that they may feel His presence in their life. A lot of people go to church and call themselves Christians but don’t always live it out. Being a Christian and acting like one are two different things.
For me, devoting my life to the Lord is the most important thing. I want to live in a way that makes others curious and leads them to wonder what is different about me. I’ve grown up in a Christian household and have known about God my whole life, but I didn’t take His Word seriously until I realized how much I need Him. Now, my faith isn’t just something I say—I live it, and I want others to know the hope and love I’ve found in Him.”*
Her perspective reminded me of a profound truth: there is always hope because God is still at work. Even when we feel like the world is far from Him, His light continues to shine through us, through our children, and through anyone willing to live authentically for Him.
So today, let’s hold onto hope. Let’s pray for the hearts of those who feel far from God, and let’s shine His love wherever we go. You never know how your light might be the beacon someone else needs.
Scripture to Reflect On:
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” — Matthew 5:16
A Prayer of Hope:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You are still at work, even when the world feels overwhelming. Help us to live as true reflections of Your love and grace. May our lives point others toward You, and may we never lose hope in the power of Your redemption. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“Finding Gratitude in the Unexpected.“ Shared Nov 22nd by Kim
“Rejoice Always, Pray Continually, Give Thanks in All Circumstances” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
This verse is such a well-known one, but today, it has a special meaning for me. As I reflect on it, I’m reminded of an experience from my childhood that still resonates deeply with me.
When I was about six years old, we lived in West Virginia. Our backyard was surrounded by a vast garden, filled with flower bushes and towering trees. There was a neighbor whose yard was enormous, and though I was told to stay away, my curiosity got the better of me. I had no idea what I would find, but the allure of her garden called to me.
I remember hearing rumors that she was angry and would shoot anyone who trespassed. As a little girl, I was terrified but also intrigued. I decided to sneak over one day, believing I could outwit her. I thought I was being stealthy, but once I was deep in the flower bushes, the beauty and serenity of the place captivated me. Yet, in the back of my mind, I wondered if this would be my last adventure. Would she really shoot me?
Suddenly, a voice bellowed out, “I see you, you little vermin!” The woman appeared on her porch, holding a shotgun. My heart raced as I stood frozen. She ordered me to come up to the porch, where she offered me a strange, unexpected kindness: tea and a cookie.
Her stern words and threatening demeanor softened. Maybe it was my frail, hungry appearance that triggered her empathy, or maybe it was something else, but in that moment, we shared a peaceful moment—tea and a cookie, in the midst of her beautiful, albeit guarded, garden.
As I walked home with my mother, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of pity for the lonely woman and a sense of gratitude. I was thankful for the beauty I had witnessed, for the risks I had taken, and for the people who loved me enough to keep me safe, like my mother. I was thankful for the stranger who, in a rare moment of grace, offered me a taste of peace in the midst of tension.
This experience is a reminder to me that thankfulness isn’t just about the easy moments—the things right in front of us, like our food or our health. Sometimes, true thankfulness comes from those fleeting, special moments we experience in life. I’m thankful for that moment in the garden, for my bravery to take a risk, and for the lesson it taught me about seeking beauty and peace, even in unexpected places.
Even as adults, we need to embrace those moments, take the risks, and step out in faith. We don’t always know what’s ahead, but when we follow God’s lead, we can find thankfulness in all circumstances.
Thank you for letting me share this story with you today. I hope it encourages you to be brave, take risks, and find the beauty and gratitude in every moment—no matter how uncertain it may seem at first.
The Living Bridge: A Reflection on Revelation 21:5 (Shared Oct 31st by Debbie)
In a recent devotion, Debbie read about the profound imagery of bridges, both literal and metaphorical, emphasizing the promise of renewal found in Revelation 21:5, where it states, “Behold, I make all things new.” This declaration serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative nature of God’s work.
The discussion began with a fascinating description of living root bridges, primarily found in India. These unique structures are created by the aerial roots of trees, such as banyans, which extend their tendrils to the ground. Ingeniously, engineers guide these roots across valleys and rivers, creating natural footbridges that blend seamlessly into the landscape. This imagery sets the stage for a deeper reflection on the spiritual significance of bridges.
The speaker poignantly suggested that the greatest living bridge is the millennial reign of Christ. This thousand-year period serves as a connection between human history and eternal life. Unlike Heaven itself, this era will be a time of transition, offering a glimpse of what is to come for the redeemed. While sin and death may still occur, as noted in Revelation 20, the ultimate hope lies in the promise of eternal life, described in the following chapters.
As the speaker quoted from Revelation 21:1, “Now I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth,” the message of renewal and hope resonated deeply. The audience was reminded of the incredible future that awaits, filled with the assurance of a blessed home forever. This truth encourages believers to rejoice and find comfort in the promise of restoration and eternal life.
The devotion concluded with a reference to the hymn “Blessed Assurance” by Fanny Crosby, which beautifully encapsulates the joy of knowing Jesus. The heartfelt lyrics remind believers of the glory that awaits and the certainty of their salvation.
In this reflection, the imagery of the living bridge serves not only as a metaphor for the transition from earthly life to eternal life but also as an invitation to embrace the renewal God offers. As we look to the future, let us hold fast to the assurance of God’s promises and rejoice in the hope that lies ahead.
Embracing God’s Creativity in Creation (Shared Oct 22nd) Tanya
This past weekend, Tanya took a brief hike into the woods, aware that their destination would likely be busy due to its proximity to town. True to form, the parking lot was filled with cars. As they arrived, a moment of hesitation arose—should they take the main path or explore a less-traveled one? Choosing the latter, they descended into a quieter, more serene part of the woods. While navigating through the trees and water (and an especially energetic dog), they reflected on the beauty surrounding them.
As they walked, a conversation sparked thoughts about perspective. Each person in the park that day was seeing the same landscape, yet they would all notice different details. This prompted reflection on how experiences of beauty vary, much like experiences of faith and worship. For instance, some might find joy in a six-minute praise song that repeats the same lines, while others might prefer the intensity of heavy metal worship. How does God cater to such diverse preferences?
In pondering these questions, the staff member turned to a devotion centered on the wonders of nature. It highlighted Malachi 3:6, “I the Lord do not change.” This verse emphasizes God’s unchanging nature amidst the vibrant and diverse creation that surrounds us. Nature itself reflects God’s boundless creativity—take trees, for example. Each species exhibits consistent characteristics: Eastern White Pines always have five needles, and their branches grow in whorls. This predictability is essential for builders and craftsmen who rely on the traits of the materials they work with. Imagine the chaos if one tree species had varying numbers of needles; such unpredictability would frustrate those who depend on its qualities.
In a world filled with constant change, it’s comforting to know that God remains steadfast. His character is not erratic—He is consistently loving, just, and dependable. Just as trees exhibit reliable patterns, we can rely on God’s promises and His plan for salvation, which does not waver with trends or times.
As the reflection concluded, the staff member came across a video of Brandon Lake’s song “Praise.” The images of people from diverse backgrounds worshiping together served as a beautiful reminder of God’s creativity. Each individual brings their unique perspective and style of praise, yet all are united in worship of the same Creator.
This serves as an encouragement for everyone: while people may appreciate God’s creation and their experiences of worship differently, they are all part of a grand tapestry woven by His hand. Our work enables these moments of connection and celebration of diversity in faith. Let us take time to appreciate the beauty around us and recognize the Creator who delights in our differences.
Father, we praise You for Your creativity and the beauty of creation that surrounds us. Help us to embrace our unique perspectives and find joy in our differences. May we always rest in Your dependability and love, knowing that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.
Finding Peace in Letting Go: Trusting God in Every Situation (Shared Oct 8) Tim
Life has a way of reminding us that we’re not always in control. Whether it’s through unexpected challenges, changes in plans, or circumstances that seem overwhelming, the feeling of losing control can be unsettling. However, there is an incredible peace that comes from trusting God and maintaining a positive mindset, even in difficult times.
Tim’s recent devotion explored this very idea. He reflected on how having the right attitude, particularly when life throws curveballs, aligns with both biblical teachings and even modern concepts of positive thinking.
The Power of Positivity
Tim mentioned watching a documentary on healing and the power of positive thinking. While the film leaned heavily on science, Tim saw remarkable correlations between the principles of healing through positive thinking and the timeless truths of Scripture. The Bible has long taught us the importance of maintaining faith, hope, and a positive outlook, even in the midst of life’s storms.
As Christians, we’re called to trust in God’s plan, even when things seem out of control. Maintaining a positive mindset isn’t just good for our mental health—it’s biblical.
Key Verses for Positive Thinking
Tim shared several scriptures that offer guidance on how to keep a positive outlook, regardless of our circumstances. Here are a few that stood out:
- John 14:1: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”
Jesus spoke these words to reassure His disciples when they faced troubling news. It’s a reminder that God is in control, even when we feel uncertain or shaken. Trusting Him brings us peace. - Psalm 42:5: “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again—my Savior and my God!”
This verse encourages us to shift our focus from our present struggles to the goodness of God. When we remember how He’s been faithful in the past, we can face the future with hope. - 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
Worry can weigh us down, but God invites us to give Him all our concerns. When we release our anxieties to Him, we open the door to a more positive and trusting mindset. - Philippians 4:8: “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
We may not be able to control everything in our lives, but we can choose what we focus on. By setting our minds on positive, uplifting things, we align ourselves with God’s peace.
God’s Plans for Us
One of the most well-known scriptures Tim mentioned was Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This verse reminds us that even when things seem uncertain, God has a plan. It’s a comforting thought to know that our struggles are temporary, and God’s ultimate plan is for our good.
Tim also pointed out that it’s easy to feel out of control and wonder if God sees us in our struggles. Yet, He is always present, guiding us and working behind the scenes in ways we often can’t see. Even when we feel like we’re “losing the game,” God has the final say, and His victory is assured.
Rejoicing in All Circumstances
Perhaps the most powerful takeaway from Tim’s devotion is the call to rejoice, no matter what we’re facing. Psalm 30:5 reminds us, “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Our troubles are temporary, but God’s love and favor are eternal.
By focusing on God’s promises and the countless ways He has blessed us, we can find peace and joy, even in difficult times. As Tim put it, “Life is awesome, no matter what you’re facing.”
Maintaining a positive mindset in the midst of life’s challenges isn’t easy, but it’s possible when we root ourselves in God’s word. As we face each day, let’s make the conscious effort to trust God, focus on His promises, and give thanks for the many ways He’s working in our lives. Remember, you are loved, forgiven, and never alone—God is with you in every situation.
Let’s take Tim’s reminder to heart: “Every day is a day to rejoice.”
Walking the Jesus Way: Insights from Phil Wickham’s Devotional (Shared Oct 1) Alan
Phil Wickham’s new album, The Jesus Way, is more than just music—it’s a heartfelt reflection on what it means to follow Christ. In a devotional for his title track, “The Jesus Way,” Wickham shares how the song came to life during a time of personal struggle and confusion. He felt God answering his questions with these powerful words:
“If you curse me, I will bless you.
If you hurt me, I will forgive.
If you hate me, I will love you.
I choose the Jesus way.”
What started as a personal declaration evolved into a melody Wickham would hum in moments of difficulty, reminding him of Christ’s love, patience, and grace. After years of refining the song, Wickham knew it was meant to be shared with others. The chorus boldly proclaims:
“I follow Jesus.
He wore my sin; I gladly wear His name.
He is the treasure.
He is the answer.
I choose the Jesus way.”
Wickham hopes this song will inspire others to choose Christ’s way, despite the challenges it brings, knowing it leads to abundant life.
He leaves us with two reflective questions:
- What does it mean for you to live the Jesus way?
- Are there areas in your life where the Holy Spirit is drawing you back to Jesus?
Through this song, we’re reminded that following Jesus brings peace, joy, and the fullness of life. Let’s choose the Jesus way every day.
Navigating Without a Map: A Devotion on Trusting God’s Guidance (Shared Sept 24th) Toast
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to make decisions based on what we can see in the moment, focusing on immediate benefits without considering the larger picture. This was the focus of a recent devotional I came across, titled “Navigating Without a Map.” The message left me reflecting on how we make choices and the role that God plays in guiding us, even when we don’t immediately recognize it.
A quote from Oswald Chambers set the tone for the devotion:
“All of God’s revealed truths are sealed until they are opened to us through obedience.”
This profound statement challenges us to think deeply about the way we approach God’s truth—it’s not simply about learning or knowing, but about living in obedience to truly understand the depths of what God reveals. It reminds us that without obedience, we may miss the fullness of God’s plan for our lives.
The devotion drew from Genesis 13, a passage about Lot choosing where to settle. Lot made a seemingly wise decision, choosing the fertile plains of the Jordan Valley, but his choice was driven by what he could immediately see: lush vegetation, plentiful water, and rich soil. What Lot failed to do was seek God’s guidance. He didn’t take into account the spiritual dangers of settling near the wicked city of Sodom. His choice, based on his own understanding and desires, ultimately jeopardized his future and his family’s well-being.
This serves as a powerful metaphor for our own lives. How often do we navigate based on what’s in front of us—relying solely on our instincts, intellect, or desires—without consulting God for guidance? It’s like trying to navigate without a map when we could be following God, our ultimate GPS, who sees far beyond our limited vision and knows the best path for us.
In Psalm 32:8, God reassures us:
“I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”
This is a promise that God is always present, offering direction, even when we can’t see the full picture. He wants to lead us safely through life’s challenges, but it requires us to trust and obey His guidance.
Reflecting on this, I realize that in my own life, I often get caught up in personal performance and goals. It’s easy to make things about ourselves—our achievements, our progress, our success. But as a dear friend reminded me with a t-shirt that says, “Be the moon, reflect the Son,” our true purpose isn’t about self-glorification. We are here to reflect Jesus, to shine His light, not our own.
In ministry, this truth is especially important. It’s easy to focus on growing for the sake of growth, expanding our reach, or showcasing how much we’ve achieved. But none of it matters if the focus isn’t on Jesus. As we discussed in our media meetings, this isn’t about building something big for the sake of it—it’s about pointing people back to Christ. Without Him, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.
So, as we navigate through life, let’s remember that God sees the whole landscape. He knows where we are headed and what dangers lie ahead. It’s our job to trust Him, to follow His lead, and to seek His guidance in every decision. He will guide us along the best path, advising and watching over us as we go.
May we never forget to consult our divine GPS as we journey through life. Without Him, we’re simply navigating without a map.
The Spiritual Metamorphosis: Lessons from Butterflies (Shared Sept 6th) Debbie
While butterflies may not be explicitly mentioned in the Bible, their life cycle serves as a powerful metaphor for various biblical concepts. Debbie’s recent devotion illuminated several ways in which these delicate creatures represent profound spiritual truths.
One of the most significant themes associated with butterflies is transformation. The Greek word metamorphoo, which translates to “transformed,” appears twice in the Bible. This concept is beautifully captured in Romans 12:2, which encourages believers not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of their minds. Just as a caterpillar undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis to become a butterfly, we too are called to experience spiritual rebirth and renewal. This transformation enables us to discern God’s good and perfect will for our lives.
The butterfly’s metamorphosis can also symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just as a caterpillar emerges from its chrysalis as a new creation, so too does Christ rise from the dead, offering new life to all who believe. This parallel serves as a reminder of the transformative power of faith; much like a lost soul is reborn into a vibrant believer, we are given a new perspective—a view of the world infused with God’s love and grace.
Personal Growth
Beyond transformation and resurrection, butterflies embody the journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Their lifecycle reflects the ability to change, evolve, and ultimately find freedom and joy. This notion aligns beautifully with Matthew 5:13-16, where Jesus calls us to be the salt and light of the earth. Just as butterflies contribute to the ecosystem—pollinating plants and serving as indicators of biodiversity—we are also called to illuminate the world around us through our good works, pointing others to God.
In both nature and scripture, butterflies remind us that change can lead to beauty, purpose, and connection. They inspire us to embrace our own journeys of transformation, encouraging us to shed the old and welcome the new.
A Musical Reflection
Debbie concluded her devotion with the lyrics of Hannah Kerr’s song, “Changed.” This heartfelt anthem captures the essence of transformation, echoing the themes we’ve explored. Just as butterflies emerge from their cocoons, we too can experience profound change through faith, moving from darkness into light.
In a world that often seems chaotic and uncertain, let us hold fast to the lessons of the butterfly. Embrace transformation, celebrate resurrection, and seek personal growth. As we do, may our lives reflect the beauty of God’s handiwork and shine brightly for all to see.
Finding God in Everyday Moments (Shared Aug 30) Kara
As we wrap up our Summer of Adventure at the station, I’ve been reflecting on the beauty of our surroundings and the way God reveals Himself in nature. Living in an area surrounded by majestic mountains and endless skies, we often talk about finding God in nature—whether it’s in a breathtaking sunset, the grandeur of the mountains, or the vastness of the ocean.
For me, it was Yellowstone National Park. I remember hiking the trail to Mount Washburn, pregnant with my son James, marveling at the world around me. There’s something about being immersed in nature that brings us closer to God’s creation. But what about finding God in the simple, everyday moments?
Recently, I had the chance to witness one of those moments at a wedding. The song Oceans began to play just as the ceremony was about to start, a song my husband Keith and I had at our own wedding. As I looked up, I saw stunning colors in the clouds—cloud iridescence, also known as fire rainbows. These rare sights occur when tiny water droplets or ice crystals scatter light. Scientifically, they’re fascinating, but spiritually, they can be so much more. To me, that beautiful display in the sky felt like a little wink from God—a moment of joy and divine presence.
This reminded me of Genesis 9:13: “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” It was a gentle reminder of God’s promise, His hope, and His presence. But it also got me thinking—what about the ordinary moments we often overlook?
A leader in my church regularly finds “God winks” in the shape of hearts, appearing in the most unexpected places. She sees them as little reminders of God’s love, and she often shares these moments on social media. These God winks can take many forms for each of us. Maybe it’s the warmth of a hug from a loved one, the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, or a familiar song on the radio that speaks to your heart at just the right time.
One old hymn that comes to mind is “If Your Heart Keeps Right,” written by Lizzie De Armond in 1916. It’s a reminder that no matter the shadows that gather around us, we can find joy and light in God’s presence. The hymn beautifully says, “Every cloud wears a rainbow if your heart keeps right.”
These small moments in life are not coincidences. They are reminders of God’s love and presence in our daily lives. As Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Each day is a gift from God, filled with little blessings, if only we take the time to notice them.
So, let’s train our hearts to recognize the God winks He sends our way. Joy isn’t just found in the big, extraordinary events, but in the simple, everyday things. When we learn to see God’s hand in these moments, we can experience His love and joy in new and profound ways.
Let us pray:
Lord, thank You for the everyday moments that remind us of Your presence. Help us to see Your hand in the little things and to find joy in the simple, ordinary parts of life. Amen.
The Confetti of Kindness (Shared Aug 9th) Tammy
In our lives, we all know a few people who radiate kindness wherever they go. They’re like a confetti cannon, bursting with love, faith, and compassion, leaving tiny bits of sparkle, joy, and warmth behind them. Tammy recently shared about her friend, a true embodiment of this confetti cannon—always sprinkling kindness in every corner of her life.
But life can be tough. It has a way of sucking the joy out of our hearts, leaving us feeling drained. Yet, even in the hardest of times, those tiny bits of confetti from acts of kindness remain, reminding us of the warmth and love that exists in this world. As believers, we are commanded by God to love one another. 1 Corinthians 16:14 tells us, “Do everything in love.” Kindness is love in action. It’s a gift from God, bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit, and it affects everything—our relationships, the people around us, and those we associate with.
The Bible also assures us that when we bless others, we too will be blessed. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” When you perform an act of kindness, not only does it nourish your own soul, but it also blesses the recipient and even those who witness it. The human body is a miraculous creation, releasing oxytocin—a hormone often referred to as the “love hormone”—when kindness is given, received, or observed. This means that a simple act of kindness doesn’t just benefit one person; it creates a ripple effect that can touch countless lives.
Tammy shared a story about reaching for some cash to pay for something when a friend stopped her, saying, “Don’t take away my blessing.” It was a beautiful reminder that in giving, we receive. Proverbs 3:27-28 encourages us to never walk away from someone who deserves our help: “Your hand is God’s hand for that person.”
Kindness is the purest reflection of God’s grace. Just as our salvation is a gift of grace and kindness from God, so too should we extend kindness to others. In a world that often feels divided and unkind, we must remember that we seldom know the struggles others are facing. A kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply being present can make all the difference in someone’s day.
Let us strive to be confetti cannons in our own lives, spreading kindness wherever we go, and leaving behind a trail of joy and warmth that will lift others up and glorify God.
Firmly Rooted (Shared July 3rd) Tanya
This week’s reflection came from the book Wonders of Nature: 365 Devotions Celebrating God’s Beauty. Our focus was on Colossians 2:7, and the devotion was titled “Firmly Rooted.”
The devotion told the story of a remarkable tree in Texas, a tree that sprouted around the same time John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence. Imagine what this tree has witnessed! Despite enduring the intense Texas heat, this tree stands strong because it has deep roots that delve into the earth in search of water during droughts. These roots are strong enough to anchor the tree throughout centuries, providing shade and comfort to generations of families.
Our lives are much the same. God desires for us to establish a deep connection with Him, where He supplies our every need. Without deep roots in God, we will wilt and fail. These roots allow us to thrive during droughts and withstand the winds and storms of life.
We prayed to have our roots grow deeper, anchoring our faith in His truth so we can be a wellspring of thankfulness. May we all strive to be firmly rooted in God’s love, drawing strength and nourishment from Him every day.
Colossians 2:7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Trusting the Ultimate Guide (Shared June 21st) Kimberly
We discussed Hebrews 11:6, which reminds us, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
One of our staff shared a powerful experience from a rafting trip on the Wind River in Washington. She had never been rafting before, and as she joined the group, the guide asked if anyone had experience. She didn’t, but the guide reassured her, offering clear instructions on when and how to paddle. He sat her next to him, ensuring her safety throughout the journey.
During the trip, there were moments of fear, especially when the boat hit a rock and flipped, tossing many into the water. Clinging to the raft, she realized that despite the chaos, she felt secure because of the guide’s presence and expertise. This experience paralleled her walk with God—trusting Him even in turbulent times, knowing He is always in control.
She reflected on the calm waters versus the rapids, friends looking out for each other, and the significance of having faith. Just as the guide had navigated those waters countless times, God leads us through life’s challenges with wisdom and care. We might face new and uncomfortable situations, but our faith in God, the ultimate Guide, assures us that He will see us through safely.
This story beautifully illustrates the essence of our faith journey. Life’s rapids may come, but with God as our Guide, we can trust, listen, and find peace amidst the storm. As we support each other in our faith community, let’s remember that with God, all things are possible.
May this reflection encourage you to trust in God’s guidance and embrace the adventure of faith, knowing He is always by your side.
The Dandelion Effect (shared May 29) Tanya
We explored the concept of the Dandelion Effect, drawing parallels from the Bible story in Judges 14 about Samson’s riddle: “Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.” This story reminds us that God can bring sweetness out of the darkest and most challenging situations.
In our lives, dandelions often symbolize those pesky, unwanted weeds that disrupt our peace and joy. However, just as God transformed the lion’s carcass into a source of honey for Samson, He can turn our troubles into blessings. The dandelion, while commonly seen as a nuisance, is actually packed with nutrients and offers numerous medicinal benefits, particularly for the digestive system and liver. This illustrates how God can repurpose what seems negative into something beneficial.
Isaiah 61 highlights this divine trait of transformation: ashes are turned into beauty, mourning into joy, and despair into praise. It’s a powerful reminder that God specializes in turning our sorrows into blessings. So, as we face the “dandelions” in our lives, let’s trust in God’s ability to uproot the weeds and reveal the hidden blessings they contain.
Let us be encouraged that, through God, even the things that seem to steal our joy can be turned into sources of strength and health. He is the God of the turnaround, continuously working through history to transform our trials into triumphs.
Knowing God through His names (shared May 22) Alan
A recent discussion focused on understanding who God is. The Bible is rich with examples where God reveals His identity to His people through their experiences.
In Exodus 17:8–15, we see God as Jehovah-Nissi, “The Lord is My Banner,” providing victory over the Amalekites. In Exodus 3:13–14, when Moses asks God His name, God responds, “I AM WHO I AM.” This profound declaration underscores God’s eternal presence and self-sufficiency.
Our staff member highlighted that God can be known by many names, each reflecting His ability to meet our needs. He is Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider; Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer; and Jehovah-Shalom, our Peace. As God said, “Whatever you need me to be in your life, that is what I will be. I am everything you will need.”
This devotion reminds us that no matter the situation, God’s name and nature provide the assurance and comfort we need. Let’s embrace the fullness of who God is and trust Him to be our everything.
When your faith is put to the test (shared February 10)
This week was about being put to the test. Charles Spurgeon writes, “The Lord’s mercy often rides to the door of our heart upon the black horse of affliction.” When your faith is put to the test, what is your default response? Ask the Lord to help you rely on Him instead of your usual coping mechanism. “So when your faith remains strong through many trials, It will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.”—1 Peter 1:7