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Stephen Carlson – Connection Church

Stephen is Lead Pastor at Connection Church in Belle Fourche, SD

Thank you for all you do. Your messages every week hit home and are words we need to hear. Thank you for your dedication. ~ Tiera

Stephen has led our church and community for over 10 years in such an amazing way.   I’d had a person tell me once that Connection Church was a Bible teaching church….this hit me pretty funny, but yes, you’re darn right it’s a Bible teaching church.  Stephen has methodically gone through book by book, verse by verse to help those that are infants in their walk all the way up to elders with much Biblical wisdom and done a great job with it.   As with many church plants, this church started out with a small group meeting on Sunday nights in a small place in Belle Fourche.   Fast forward 10+ years and the Church has undergone 3 remodels to continue to accommodate the growing population.   It’s never been about the numbers, but it is about winning souls for Christ.   Stephen is instrumental in leading our church to serve our community and beyond. ~ Steve