July 23, 2024 @ 5:30 am July 25, 2024 @ 8:00 pm

Canyon Lake UMC VBS Camp Firelight

Join us for this free VBS July 23-35.

Preschoolers (2 & 3 and 4 & 5-year-olds) will meet in the Christian Life Center and have stories, games, and crafts that are just right for their little brains. They go from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm which is a half-hour earlier than the bigger kids because we find they get too tired. If you would rather not pick them up till 8:00 let us know and we will take them to the sanctuary for closing music time.

School-age kids (Grade leaving…kindergarten – 4th graders) meet in the Christian Life Center from 5:30 – 8:00. They start with music opening time and get assigned a small group they will be with during the entire VBS. They will go to all the stations together and then we will end again in the sanctuary for closing time.

Fifth graders and older are encouraged to come to VBS as junior group leaders or junior station leaders. They get to come and participate in the fun and be good role models for the younger kids!

Supper is served in our Christian Life Center from 4:45 pm-5:30 pm.

Donations are helpful but not required. You and your child are both welcome to join us for kid-friendly meals.

Tuesday- Hot dogs, chips, carrots, & apple slices cookie
Wednesday- Tacos & dessert
Thursday- Pizza, carrots, cookies
We are NOT able to provide Nursery services this year. However, that playground and nursery are always available for you to hang out in if you are interested.


Canyon Lake United Methodist Church
3500 Canyon Lake Dr
Rapid City, SD 57702
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Standing sideways woman with a guitar