January 28 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
This City Belongs to Jesus” is a series of events held in Rapid City, South Dakota to dedicate the city to Jesus. The events include prayer, praise, and proclamation. Their purpose is to raise the spiritual atmosphere in Rapid City and to dedicate our city to Jesus.
The Church of Rapid City is coming together at First Assembly, on Tuesday, January 28th, at 6:30pm. Our purpose is to raise the spiritual atmosphere in Rapid City and to dedicate the city to Jesus.
Other Rally Dates & Locations:
March 18th – First Wesleyan Church (3040 Marlin Dr)
May 6th – Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (520 Cathedral Dr)
July 29th – Main Street Square (512 Main St #240)
October 7th – Location to be determined

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